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Lezing van Hartmut Rosa: Against aggression: Monstrous and resonant forms of uncontrollability
23 november 2023 | 20:00 - 22:00
In his book The Uncontrollability of the World (2020), German sociologist Hartmut Rosa argues that the late modern human being desires to control the world. However, to truly experience “life” and achieve resonance with the world, we must be open to its uncontrollability. Tonight, Rosa will be in conversation with philosophers Daniel Loick and Beate Roessler.
In its uncontrollability, the world is lively. According to Rosa, such a world moves and touches you. Hereby you are transformed in open-ended, unpredictable ways to better resonate with the uncontrollability of the world. However, late modernity brings with it a desire to control, engineer, and master every facet of the world. Our alienation from the world is one of the consequences of this desire to control. In the face of today’s ever-present focus on control, expansion and growth, we urgently need resonance. How will we achieve this? After a lecture by Hartmut Rosa, Daniel Loick will comment on the talk. Moderation: Beate Roessler.
Hartmut Rosa (1965) is hoogleraar sociologie in Jena. In Duitsland is hij een bekend intellectueel en ook internationaal is Rosa een veelgevraagd spreker, over onderwerpen die veelal te maken hebben met onthaasting en vervreemding. Bij uitgeverij Boom verscheen in november 2023 Rosa’s boek Democratie vraagt om religie. In 2016 Leven in tijden van versnelling.
Datum en tijd: Donderdag 23 november 2023, om 20.00 uur
Plaats: Academische cultureel podium SPUI25, Spui 25-27, Amsterdam
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